Paddlecraft – Come check out these awesome hand crafted paddles and kayaks made right down the road in Rochester, NH.
Seacoast Men of Harmony – The Seacoast Men of Harmony is a Dover-based men’s a cappella chorus. They sing in the barbershop style which is characterized as a four part close harmony. They are affiliated with the Barbershop Harmony Society‘s Northeastern District. Come see them perform on the Rotary Pavilion stage in Upper Henry Law Park.
InMoov Humanoid Robot – Maker Roe Cole shares his latest project, building a life-sized humanoid robot called InMoov. InMoov was designed and powered using open source software available to anyone who would like to 3-D print and animate their own robot. Featured in a recent issue of MAKE magazine, InMoov is inspiring makers worldwide to adapt and advance this project in true maker spirit.
Paper Airplane Launcher – Sean is back for a third year at Dover Mini Maker Faire showing off his invention: a Paper Airplane Launcher that was featured on the “Fallonventions” segment of “The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon” on April 24th. You can fold your best paper airplane and see if it will survive a 60 MPH launch and find out how far it will fly.
Public Art Sculptures – CMNH artist-in-resident and official ‘basement sculptor,’ Nathan Walker will open up his shop to let visitors in to explore the process of turning found objects into giant metal works of art. Finished sculptures as well as works in progress will be available to see.
Assistive Technology in New Hampshire – Assistive Technology in New Hampshire will be showcasing assistive technology and doing device demonstrations, as well as providing information on reuse and loans for individuals with disabilities to maximize independence at home, school, work and play.
Your First Video Game – Learn how to program a video game on the popular Raspberry Pi computer that sells for only $25. They will teach makers during this workshop how to create their very own video game using Python on a Raspberry Pi computer. A limited number of Raspberry Pi kits will be available for makers to take home with their video game on it, ready to hook up to a TV and play! No experience necessary!
Fun with LEDs – A new collection of projects using LEDs and micro controllers from Corky, have a booth for the third year in a row at Dover Mini Maker Faire.
- TwirLight: A POV (persistence of vision) toy that creates patterns when manually spun, optionally with music.
- Addressable LED light strings driven with an Arduino
- ChromaCane: a walking stick shows colorful patterns with a strip of addressable RGB LEDs. Arduinio controlled.
- Renard Christmas light controller for a light display synchronized to music
Hexa-Flexa-Fun – Lauren is back for a third year at Dover Mini Maker Faire showing you how to make a cool “Hexaflexagon!” A hexaflexagon is a folded strip of paper transformed into a cool piece of color changing origami. Come fold and color your own!
UNH Tech Camp – UNH Tech Camp is offered by the College of Engineering and Physical Science at the University of New Hampshire and makes available the benefits of the UNH research campus to the community-at-large. Come make bouncy balls using borax and elmer’s glue. The programs engage young people in interactive hands-on and problem solving activities in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Fluidity of NH LLC – Fluidity of NH is promoting their service, which is a business that caters to 16-22 year olds looking for local employment. They will have the capability for employers to post jobs and job seekers to create online profiles.
Learning LEGO Robotics – Join the NH LEGO LEAGUE Kings of Konstruction for a hands on “Intro to Programming” lesson. Kids ages 4-104 can learn the basics of programming a LEGO robot from this years NH FLL programing champions. If you have never programmed a robot before, our kids will teach you everything you need to know to get that mechanical LEGO-bot moving. Sign up early for your 20 minute spot as spaces sold out quickly last year.